We're so very happy to be open once again.

Posted by Pete Willis on

Yes! We are so very happy to be open and seeing you all once again.

Not going to lie, it's been really tough in many different ways from finances to our mental state.

However we have survived and thrilled to being back to doing what we love so much.

Music is a massive part of lives and deserves to be the best quality it possibly can be.

We have spent the times closed working on every aspect of the shop. We have improved our signage and layout in the shop. More specialist sections have been added to help you find similar styles of music. 

A huge amount of new stock has been purchased and we have increased our selection to the largest we've ever had to offer what we believe is the biggest choice in Cornwall and maybe even further afield!

Next up is Record Store Day which is split into two drops this year. It is a massive event and is chocked full of amazing releases this year.

Looking forward to getting back towards some kind of normality and a super music filled future!